Pros and Cons of Residents’ Associations

There are different feelings about Residents’ Associations. As a whole, they are great for serving a close-knit community and addressing problems of residents. If you are familiar with this type of organization, you may already recognize the benefits. However, if you are new to a community where it is mandatory to pay a fee to join the Resident’s Association, questions can arise.

The Difference between Residents’ Associations and a Community Association

A Residents’ Association includes all residents of a park or community through a required yearly fee. A Community Association is a voluntary membership where you have a choice in joining. The functions of a Community Association are more widespread in the subject, including politics, lobbying on school issues, and getting involved in traffic and zoning problems.

Pros of Residents’ Associations

Specific rules and regulations may apply to different communities. Always be aware of the policies before selecting a home. For example, Auburn Bay homes for sale fall within both a Residents’ Association and a Community Association. Guidelines are openly available to residents and potential buyers. Lawn and maintenance, snow removal, lake access, and events are a few of the highlights of being a member of a Residents’ Association. This not-for-profit organization performs and oversees the maintenance of public land within the community to guarantee a sense of aesthetic beauty for residents and visitors.

A Board of Directors meets several times a year to discuss new and existing issues within the community. New contracts with maintenance companies, roads and sidewalks in need of repair, and upkeep of a community building may be items discussed. Keeping the community properly cared for makes residents proud to live in the community. The price of receiving services is also much lower when an organization is able to negotiate for a yearly fee.

Cons of Residents’ Associations

Not all homeowners like to have rules that govern their neighborhood. Aside from being expected to pay a yearly membership fee, some residents do not fully comprehend all of the organizational skills and planned maintenance that is involved. This can be a drawback for a buyer but is usually a welcome benefit for having amenities.

The first Residents’ Association was formed in the 19th century. Substantial growth appeared in the 1960s as suburbs became a popular option for moving away from the hustle and bustle of city life. In addition to placing the burden upon a separate governing body seemed a splendid idea and has continued to grow since its inception. A volunteer Community Association also allows residents to be a big part of their community. Market prices increase from the attractiveness and safety of the area. Local schools welcome the involvement and input from community associations where children are enrolled.

All in all, Residents’ Associations are a growing trend in today’s communities where residents are proud of homeownership.

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Fri Dec 11 , 2020
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